Maxwell Manifesto

We are a village of creatives. An imaginative insightful intuitive society that expresses ideas into reality. Who study subjects within their environment, name the parts, and construct a place to curate a look, an intention, a life.  

In this mutuality of understanding and understooding, we do not focus on the fear of are we interesting? Instead, we say, we are interested! When generosity (through time, money, or attention) is part of the growth strategy, everyone benefits. When everyone is a winner, we elevate others and ourselves making a contribution to that all-access pass: humanity.

When we think big, the universe rewards us with bigness! Each new idea propelling us forward as we steward the vision in our head. We see what’s there but also what isn’t there. What’s missing. What’s possible. Then we can travel deep down into the valley of the very grounded-ness that lets us access the clouds. Where we dream in color…or is it in black-and-white?

 Let us be driven by our collective intentions. When we look behind the curtain of the soul, we see it: We are better creatives together.

Make the ordinary come alive. The extraordinary will take care of itself.

- William Martin